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Planning Your Teacher Demo Lesson Step-by-Step > Lesson 7 of 10

POISE Framework: S is for “Simple”

We cannot stress how important it is to set clear expectations for student behavior. Many teachers go into the demo lesson expecting that students “know how to act” or that they will “behave” during the demo lesson because their Principal or Dean happens to be in the room. We have seen absolute chaos during demos from (otherwise great) teachers that didn’t set expectations first. Fortunately, it can be done in two minutes flat, and we’ll tell you how.

Topics Covered

  • Which expectations to have for student behavior, how to present them to students, and tips for managing younger and special education students
  • Activity: If you had a demo lesson tomorrow, what expectations would you have for student behavior? List 3-5 in student-friendly language

Insider Tips

Bringing a prepared chart or slide (if using a smartboard or projector) that lists behavioral expectations will save precious minutes of your demo lesson.

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